Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Staying Warm!

Last night, I plopped on the couch, covered up with my favorite knitted quilt and Greybaby decided that was a good idea. So we both stayed warm while Bob and I watched TV on our Christmas gift TV from Jon and Jeanne. We saw a wonderful program about a man who is installing merry-go-rounds in Africa that pump clean water to the people in the villages. It will revolutionize the living conditions for the people since their water supply was tainted and brought disease to the village. At the end of the program, there was a picture of Laura Bush and a group of people who contributed to the merry-go-round program. Steve Case, founder of AOL, and his wife were philanthropists to this life-saving idea. It brings joy to the children through running the merry-go-round and fresh, clean water comes to the village through the pumping action of the playground toy. What a great idea!